
A mis raíces
En mi lugar de partida estoy yo,
desprendiéndome a cada paso,
diciéndole adiós a mi abuela,
a mi tierra seca y descolorida.
Rompiendo al mundo para darme paso,
con mi risa, mi acento, y mis cabellos.
En un mundo que se dibuja con fronteras;
me escojo siempre ser yo.
To my roots
I stand at my place of departure,
shedding layers with each step I take,
bidding farewell to my grandmother,
to my arid and faded homeland.
Breaking through the world to make my way,
with my laughter, my accent, and my hair.
In a world drawn with borders,
I always choose to be myself.
Original language: Spanish
Translated by: José Luis Montero
Translated by: José Luis Montero
Photo by: Timothy Aguero Photography