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Youth Poet

Cuando llegue a Estado Unidos por primera vez

Cuando llegué a Estados Unidos por primera vez

Me acuerdo de que era diferente a lo que estaba acostumbrado

Me sentía diferente a otra gente como mi hermana que veía cosas nuevas

Alrededor de mi, yo veía algo nuevo

algo más para aprender

Entonces me sentí una oportunidad de aprender algo nuevo

When I first came to the United States

When I first came to the United States

I remember that it was different from what I was used to

I felt different from other people like my sister who saw new things

Around me, I saw something new

something else to learn

It was then that I felt an opportunity to learn something new.

Original language: Spanish
Translated by: Liz Barry (Poet's Teacher for 8th grade Dual Language program at Denny International Middle School)